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HIPAA Update 2024

Enrollment is Closed

HIPAA Update 2024

HIPAA Training is an annual requirement as per the HIPAA Regulations.

This course will fulfill that annual requirement.

Course Staff

Course Staff Image #1

Michael L, Brody, DPM

Dr Brody has been actively involved in Computers and Medicine since the 1980’s. Early in his career he provided support for the computerization of private offices. He was sought out as a beta tester for developers of practice management software. He was the Residency Director at a VA hospital on Long Island and was present as the VA moved from paper records to computerized records. Dr. Brody actively participated in the transition and was involved with the IT department of the hospital during the deployment of VISTA and CPRS. During this time, he was exposed to the stringent rules and regulations that government employees are required to adhere to, when protecting the rights of the veteran patients under their care. With his knowledge of health information technology and compliance, Dr. Brody implemented Electronic Medical Records and HIPAA compliance in his private practice. He co-founded TLD Systems with Warren Melnick to create a platform so that doctors in private practice have a cost-effective method of implementing HIPAA compliance in a manner that does not interfere with their ability to practice medicine. r Brody received his initial education as an undergraduate at MIT and he received his DPM from NYCPM in 1987 and completed his residency at DVAMC Northport. He has served on the Health Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP), the Standards and Interoperability Framework (S&I), as a member of the Ambulatory Care Committee at the Certification Commission on Health Information Technology (CCHIT), and numerous other organizations. He is currently a member of the Physicians Committee at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) and a co-Chair of the EHR workgroup at Health Level Seven International (HL7) He has held staff appointments at several Colleges of Podiatry and lectures around the country on compliance for medical doctors and staff.

Course Objectives

  • Understand how compliance of the HIPAA Regulations protects patient record confidentality
  • Understand the difference between Covered Entities and Business Associates
  • Understand patient rights under HIPAA
  • Understand your responsiblities under HIPAA
  • Fees

    Free for Clients of TLD Systems. $79 for all others

    Intended Audience: Podiatrists

    Refund Policy

    No refunds are available for online courses

    In accordance with the Council on Podiatric Medical Education's Standards and Requirements for Approval of Providers of Continuing Education in Podiatric Medicine, any relevant financial relationships with commercial interests of faculty, planning committee, or any others who have influence over the content of this educational activity must be disclosed to program participants. Dr Brody is the CEO of TLD Systems. TLD Systems provides support for practices to be compliant with the HIPAA regulation

    Commercial Interests: This course is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from TLD Systems. Dr Michael Brody is the CEO of TLD Systems

    CME Online is approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education as a provider of continuing education in podiatric medicine. CME Online has approved this activity for a maximum of 1.0 continuing education contact hour.