Infection Control Course

Infection Control and Barrier Protection Course
Objectives Learning Objectives: Assure that licensed, registered, or certified health professionals understand how bloodborne pathogens may be transmitted in the work environment: patient to healthcare worker, healthcare worker to patient, and patient to patient. Apply current scientifically accepted infection prevention and control principles as appropriate for the specific work environment. Minimize opportunity for transmission of pathogens to patients and healthcare workers; and Familiarize professionals with the law requiring this training and the professional misconduct charges that may be applicable for not complying with the law.
About the Speakers:
Intended Audience: Podiatrists
Refund Policy
No refunds are available for online courses
Compliance Statement
In accordance with the Council on Podiatric Medical Education's Standards and Requirements for Approval of Providers of Continuing Education in Podiatric Medicine, any relevant financial relationships with commercial interests of faculty, planning committee, or any others who have influence over the content of this educational activity must be disclosed to program participants. Neither the planning committee members nor the speaker have any financial relationships to disclose.
Commercial Interests: No commercial interest provided financial support for this continuing education activity
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CME Online is approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education as a provider of continuing education in podiatric medicine. CME Online has approved this activity for a maximum of 2.0 continuing education contact hour.