All About Wound and Ulcer Care
Diabetic patients not only make up a significant percentage of our patient base, but if the ulcers that afflict these patients are not treated in an appropriate fashion, the results can lead to dire consequences. Medicare primarily audits physicians based upon trends and patterns. Since diabetic ulcers are treated at such a high rate, the treatment of ulcers and wounds is within the list of the top 10 reasons that podiatrists are audited and fail the audit. Therefore, it is so important to ensure that the documentation in the medical record for the date of service in question supports what was coded and billed.
Learning Objectives: At the end of the educational program, the learner will be able to:
Understand what the appropriate documentation requirements with treating wounds
Understand the importance of documentation of the amount of material used with using advanced wound care products
Understand the rules and regulations about medical appropriateness of advanced wound care products
Part 1 - Course Staff
About the Speaker:
Michael G. Warshaw, DPM, CSFAC, CPC, CPODCS, COCS, CMSCS is a practicing podiatrist and a Certified Professional Coder with over 25 years of successful coding, management, and training experience for podiatric practices.
His local and national views come from active participation as a practicing podiatrist, having the distinction of being a Certified Professional Coder, and years of serving as a national lecturer concerning coding issues.
Dr. Warshaw's experience is unique and comprehensive. He has had the additional advantage of participating in all facets of the Medicare Appeals Process, including Redeterminations, Reconsiderations, and Administrative Law Judge Hearings, as well as the appeals processes of most commercial insurance companies and state Medicaid programs. Dr. Warshaw has also served as an expert witness in the actual court system, at both the federal and state levels.
Dr. Warshaw is also the author of THE Podiatry Coding Manual, a comprehensive coding manual specific for podiatry that is updated on an annual basis.
This unique prospective provides Dr. Warshaw with the ability to provide solutions to insurance and coding problems from 'real world' experience.
Dr. Warshaw is committed to assist practices in learning to code appropriately, obtain the proper reimbursement, and to avoid the wrath of the carriers by coding and billing in an appropriate fashion.
Free for those that attended the live event $59.00 for all others
Intended Audience : Medical Providers
Refund Policy
No refunds are available for online courses
Compliance Statement
In accordance with the Council on Podiatric Medical Education's Standards and Requirements for Approval of Providers of Continuing Education in Podiatric Medicine, any relevant financial relationships with commercial interests of faculty, planning committee, or any others who have influence over the content of this educational activity must be disclosed to program participants.
CME Online is approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education as a provider of continuing education in podiatric medicine. CME Online has approved this activity for a maximum of 1.75 continuing education contact hours.